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Jim Roberson

Jim Roberson, former American football player, has been working on the Disciplined Approach for over 20 years as a teacher, trainer, coach and parent. He is an independent education consultant and works with parents, teachers and students.

Read a feature on Jim's approach to discipline in an article for the Independent - September 2012.

Jim and The Discipline Coach book had an Honourable Mention in the San Francisco Book Festival 2013.

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Hywel Roberts

Hywel Roberts has taught in secondary, primary and special settings for almost 30 years. He contributes to university education programmes and writes regularly for TES as the ‘travelling teacher’. A true Northerner, Hywel deals in botheredness, creative practice, curriculum development and imagineering. He was recently described as ‘a world leader in enthusiasm’ and his first book, Oops! Helping Children Learn Accidentally, is a favourite among teachers. Hywel is a much sought-after educational speaker, an Independent Thinking Associate and has contributed to events worldwide. He also contributes fiction to prison-based literacy reading programmes developed by The Shannon Trust and is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts.

Click here to listen in on Hywel's podcast with Pivotal Education - 'teaching hooks and exercising imagination'.

Click here to watch a video interview with Hywel as part of The Education Foundation's series of Education Britain Conversations.

Hywel Roberts in the Time Out Room ' PP174 Podcast on Pivotal Education.

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Martin Roberts
Martin Roberts PhD is a retired management consultant with extensive experience of Change Management in practice. He has worked at the highest level with many of the UK top one hundred companies and also has extensive experience in working with US corporations. Over the last thirty years he has developed an enviable reputation for solving problems seen by others as insoluble. He attributes this to being able to adapt and apply to business problems techniques derived from the field of psychology, including Gestalt Therapy, Behavioural Modification and Transactional Analysis.
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Roland Roberts

Roland Roberts studied at the Royal Academy in London and later as a Fulbright Scholar in the USA where he gained a Masters Degree in Music. Roland has broadcast and performed worldwide as a solo violinist and has been leader of some of the finest British ensembles including the Thames Chamber Orchestra and the City of Oxford Orchestra with whom he has recently recorded Vivaldi's Four Seasons'. He has also played on many Hollywood movie soundtracks and CD recordings ranging from Pavarotti to Annie Lennox, and performed in venues from The Carnegie Hall to Wembley Stadium. As a conductor he was principal conductor of the Fulham Symphony Orchestra for five years and has worked with many professional and amateur orchestras. Other work includes composing and arranging music for BBC television and film, and a recent composition 'An English Elegy' was chosen as 'pick of the week' on BBC Radio Suffolk.

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Juliet Robertson

Juliet Robertson is an education consultant who specialises in outdoor learning. Before becoming a consultant Juliet was a head teacher at three schools, making her more than qualified to help others improve their practice. She also writes a popular education blog ' I'm a teacher, get me OUTSIDE here!' ' where she illustrates her ideas and enthusiasm for learning outdoors. @CreativeSTAR

Click here to listen in on Juliet's podcast with Pivotal Education: A Yearning for Outdoor Learning'.

Click here to listen to Juliet's podcast with Professional Learning International.

Click here to read Juliet Robertson’s blog.

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Martin Robinson

Martin Robinsonworked for 20 years in state schools in London as a teacher, a leader and an advanced skills teacher. Now an education consultant, he works with schools and other institutions on curriculum development and a wide range of other issues. He is a regular on the conference circuit both in the UK and internationally.

Click here to listen to the podcast Naylor's Natter where Phil Naylor talks to Martin about Curriculum-Athena versus the Machine.

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Jann Robinson
Jann Robinson has been in post as principal of St Luke's Grammar School in New South Wales, Australia, since 2005. Jann holds a master's in educational leadership, is a member of the Australian College of Educational Leaders (ACEL) and the Australian College of Educators (ACE), and is a strong advocate of developing resilience in young people so that they can meet the challenges of a rapidly changing world.
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Shelle Rose Charvet

Shelle Rose Charvet has been learning NLP since 1983 and became a Certified NLP Trainer in 1992. She has been exploring Rodger Bailey's Language and Behavior Profile (LAB Profile®) since she encountered it at Institut Repère in Paris in the mid-1980s.

Today she is known in the NLP community as the 'Queen of LAB Profile' because of her books Words That Change Minds (1997) and The Customer is Bothering Me (2010) - and the LAB Profile training she delivers to NLP institutes around the world. She also works with businesses and organisations to help them transform communication with customers and solve other influencing and persuasion challenges. Shelle speaks English, French and Spanish and is currently learning German.

Click here to read Shelle Rose Charvet’s blog.

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Robert Rosenthal

Professor Rosenthal's research has centred for over 40 years on the role of the self-fulfilling prophecy in everyday life and in laboratory situations. Special interests include the effects of teacher's expectations on students' academic and physical performance, the effects of experimenters' expectations on the results of their research, and the effects of clinicians' expectations on their patients' mental and physical health. For some 40 years he has been studying the role of nonverbal communication in (a) the mediation of interpersonal expectancy effects and in (b) the relationship between members of small work groups and small social groups. He also has strong interests in sources of artifact in behavioral research and in various quantitative procedures. In the realm of data analysis, his special interests are in experimental design and analysis, contrast analysis, and meta-analysis. His most recent books and articles are about these areas of data analysis and about the nature of nonverbal communication in teacher-student, doctor-patient, manager-employee, judge-jury, and psychotherapist-client interaction. He is Co-Chair of the Task Force on Statistical Inference of the American Psychological Association.

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Greg Ross

Greg Ross is an Associate Professor (Teaching) at the UCL Centre for Educational Leadership, IOE. He specialises in the design and delivery of evidence-informed professional learning programmes for teachers and school leaders, in partnership with ministries of education, non-governmental organisations, and international school groups. Greg’s research focuses on the leadership of curriculum change. Before joining the IOE, Greg was a senior leader and English teacher in secondary schools.

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Jackie Rossa

Jackie Rossa has worked as a teacher, educator and manager within the learning and skills sector. She now works as an educational consultant and additional inspector. She has conducted research into transforming learning and has worked with many providers to successfully implement initiatives designed to advance excellence in teaching and learning.

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Tim Rowan

Tim Rowan, MSW, maintains a clinical practice and holds the position of Division Chair of Behavioural and Social Sciences and Professor of Human Services at Allegany College of Maryland. In addition to his therapeutic and academic work, Tim has been a soccer coach and a softball coach and has been selected Soccer Coach of the Year seven times.

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