Author List

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Michael F. Hoyt, PhD
Michael F. Hoyt, PhD (Yale 1976), is a psychologist based in Mill Valley, California. An internationally recognized teacher and supervisor, he has received numerous honours and awards. His publications include Some Stories Are Better than Others, The Present is a Gift, Brief Psychotherapies: Principles and Practices, The Handbook of Constructive Therapies, and Therapist Stories of Inspiration, Passion, and Renewal: What's Love Got to Do with It?.
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Ted Falconar

Ted Falconar applied his lifelong interest in philosophy and human relations to managing companies. Ideas enabling workers to fulfil their potential and to harness their creativity were so successful that Tetley Tea Company, of which he was Managing Director, was turned around so that its productivity more than doubled and a large loss was changed in to spectacular profits. His writing can be seen as being concerned with his lifelong search for purpose and meaning in life.

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Gabor Filo

Gabor Filo, DDS, ABHD graduated in 1984 from the University of Toronto. He is a Diplomate of the American Board of Hypnosis in Dentistry. His professional career includes private practice, and hospital dentistry, with an emphasis on the nonpharmacological treatment of dental anxiety and phobia. He lectures nationally and internationally on hypnosis and laser dentistry.

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Sue Finnie

Sue Finnie has many years' experience in the fields of education, language learning and publishing. She has written a wide range of educational resources for teaching French; from magazines and books to songs, CD-ROMs, online courses and radio and TV programmes. Key projects include the primary French course Comète and the award-winning KS3 course Équipe.

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Michael Finnigan

Michael Finnigan is CEO of i2i. Inspired by W Clement Stone, Michael is committed to changing millions of lives for the better, better than anybody else. Michael will help you to understand how to unleash the power lying dormant and untapped within yourself, your people and your teams.

Follow i2i on Twitter.

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Mark Finnis

Mark Finnis is an Independent Thinking Associate and one of the UK's leading exponents of restorative practice. With many years' experience working with schools, local government agencies and social services, he is in great demand as a speaker and trainer ' helping organisations adopt restorative practices in a way that is practical and achievable and that never loses sight of the children and young people they are all aiming to serve.

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Di Fisher-Naylor

Di Fisher-Naylor is the Director of Creativity, Culture and Education (CCE), the UK based international creative learning foundation. She is a specialist in programme design, implementation and quality assurance and in professional learning for school leaders, teachers and creative professionals. Di has supported creative learning programmes across the world. Di dropped out of school early and is passionate about the importance of developing creative thinking skills in all children but particularly those from socio-economic disadvantaged families.

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Harry Fletcher-Wood

Harry Fletcher-Wood taught in Japan and India before training with Teach First and spending six years in London schools. During this time he taught history, organised university applications and was a head of department. Most recently, his increasing interest in the fine detail of teacher improvement led to him taking responsibility for continuing professional development within his school and teacher-training with Teach for Sweden. His current role involves researching teaching to help improve Teach First's effectiveness. He blogs regularly at and tweets sporadically as @hfletcherwood.

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David Frank
David Frank is a published writer whose ten years experience of lecturing and counselling has seen him at further education colleges, medical centres, and general practitioner surgeries. He is a full member of The British Association for the Person Centred Approach to Counselling and Education, and The British Society for Clinical Hypnosis.
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R. Frank Pucelik
R. Frank Pucelik, Ph.D. is widely recognised as one of the world's finest trainers in interpersonal communication and success strategies for change. His zest and profound skills also make him one of the most entertaining presenters in the field of Meta communication today.

After leaving Santa Cruz with several of the original NLP research team in 1976, Frank established META Institute and META International in San Diego California. These organisations provided consulting, training, and seminars in the US and Europe through the mid 80s. After a number of very successful management consulting and training programs conducted in Russia and the Ukraine (some sponsored by the Peace Corps USAID program) Frank relocated to that part of the world where, in addition to continuing to work with business management, he set up and directed drug treatment programs, for young people, and now has six centers in Russia and the Ukraine. Currently President of the Pucelik Consulting Group, the company has its headquarters in Odessa, Ukraine. Yearly, Mr. Pucelik and the PCG staff consultants train over 2,000 middle and top managers of client companies throughout the Ukraine, Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Egypt, Turkey, Poland, and the Baltics.
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Bob G Bodenhamer

Dr. Bodenhamer's under-graduate degree (BA) is from Appalachian State University in Boone, NC (1972). His major at Appalachian State University was Philosophy and Religion with a minor in Psychology. He received the Master of Divinity (1976) and the Doctor of Ministry Degree (1978) from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary in Wake Forest, NC. The Master of Divinity Degree included training in Pastoral Care with both classroom and clinical work. Dr. Bodenhamer received one unit of Clinical Pastoral Education from Wake Medical Center in Raleigh, N. C. while working on his doctorate. His marriage to Linda now spans 43 years.

His NLP Practitioner's Certification comes from L.E.A.D.s Consultants in Reynoldsburg, OH, Dr. Gene Rooney, Trainer. Dr. Bodenhamer's NLP Master Certification and Master Time Line TherapyTMPractitioner Certification came from Tad James, Ph.D. of Advanced Neuro-Dynamics of Honolulu, HI. Additional training has been received from NLP conferences. Dr. Bodenhamer has approximately 1500 hours of formal NLP training. He taught NLP for 10 years in the Corporate/Community Education program at Gaston College. Dr. Bodenhamer received his certification as a Trainer of NLP from Tad James, Ph.D., Advance Neuro Dynamics, Honolulu, Hawaii and Wyatt Woodsmall, Ph.D. of Advanced Behavioral Modeling, Inc., Arlington, VA.

As an International Master NLP Trainer, he offers both certified training for Practitioners and Master Practitioners of NLP. He has a private NLP Therapy practice. Dr. Bodenhamer has served four Southern Baptist churches as pastor. He is presently serving as pastor of a mission church called Christ Fellowship Community Church. His time in the pastorate spans 44 years. All of his pastorates have been in North Carolina. Bob has had the privilege of being married to Linda for the past 45 years (10/17/1965).

He has co-authored 10 NLP books and is the sole author of I Have a Voice: How to Stop Stuttering.

The NLP in Healthcare Award was presented to Bob G Bodenhamer at the NLP award ceremony 2017.

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John G Watkins

John G Watkins PhD was Professor Emeritus of the University of Montana, and world renowned as a pioneering psychologist, particularly in the areas of hypnosis, dissociation and multiple personality. He was a founder and past president of ISCEH, an international society in hypnosis. He was the president of the Society for Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis (SCEH), of the American Board of Psychological Hypnosis and of Division 30 (Hypnosis) of the American Psychological Association. Dr Watkins also served as clinical editor of the International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis. He lectured all over the world and authored many ground breaking books and articles on hypnosis and psychotherapy, making him one of the leading theorists in the field.

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