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David Didau

David Didau is Senior Lead Practitioner for English at Ormiston Academies Trust and a freelance writer, blogger, speaker, trainer and author. He started his award-winning blog, The Learning Spy, in 2011 to express the constraints and irritations of ordinary teachers, detail the successes and failures within his own classroom, and synthesise his years of teaching experience through the lens of educational research and cognitive psychology. Since then he has spoken at various national conferences, has directly influenced Ofsted and has worked with the Department for Education to consider ways in which teachers' workload could be reduced.

Read this article on the 3 reasons why you need to buy The Secret of Literacy.

Read this article on David Didau's journey to becoming an edu-sceptic in Schools Week.

On this episode of the Mr Barton Maths Podcast, Craig Barton speaks to David Didau.

Click here to read David Didau’s blog.

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Armando Di-Finizio

Armando Di-Finizio has, over the course of his career, taught in seven schools in deprived areas of London, Bristol and Cardiff. With a guiding conviction that every child can go on to flourish in life, Armando has successfully led three schools from being among the lowest performing in the country to achieving outcomes well above expectations. Armando’s innovative practices have been successfully applied in the many schools he has worked with and supported over the years.

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Robert Dilts
Robert Dilts has been a developer, author, trainer and consultant in the field of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) - a model of human behaviour, learning and communication - since its creation in 1975 by John Grinder and Richard Bandler. A long time student and colleague of both Grinder and Bandler, Robert also studied personally with Milton H. Erickson, M.D., and Gregory Bateson.

Robert is the principal author of Neuro-Linguistic Programming Vol. I (with John Grinder, Richard Bandler and Judith DeLozier, 1980), which serves as the standard reference text for the field, and has authored numerous other books on NLP. Changing Belief Systems with NLP (1990) and Beliefs: Pathways to Health and Well Being (with Tim Hallbom and Suzi Smith, 1990) describe his work in changing limiting beliefs and creating functional belief systems. Tools for Dreamers (with Todd Epstein and Robert W. Dilts, 1991) and Skills for the Future (with Gino Bonissone, 1993), explore the applications of NLP to managing and enhancing creativity. Effective Presentation Skills (1994) covers the key skills necessary for successful public speaking. Strategies of Genius Volume I, Volume II & Volume III (1994-1995), apply the methods and distinctions of NLP to model the thinking processes of important historical figures including Aristotle, Sherlock Holmes (a.k.a. Arthur Conan Doyle), Walt Disney, Wolfgang Mozart, Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud, Leonardo da Vinci and Nikola Tesla. Dynamic Learning (with Todd Epstein, 1995), explores the development of effective strategies for learning and teaching. Visionary Leadership Skills (1996), studies tools and skills necessary for 'creating a world to which people want to belong.- Tools of the Spirit (with Robert McDonald, 1997), explores how NLP principles and processes may be used to encourage and enhance spiritual growth and development. Modeling with NLP (1998) covers the tools and skills for modeling the behavior of exceptional people, illustrating the application of NLP modeling procedures to the study of effective leadership ability. Sleight of Mouth (1999) describes the set of verbal reframing patterns he developed to conversationally influence beliefs. The Encyclopedia of Systemic Neuro-Linguistic Programming and NLP New Coding (with Judith DeLozier, 2000) provides a comprehensive overview of the field of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, including its wide range of applications, techniques and influences. Alpha Leadership: Tools for Business Leaders Who Want More From Life (with Ann Deering and Julian Russell, 2002) describes a new model of leadership that captures and shares the practices of effective leadership, offering approaches to reduce stress and to promote satisfaction.

Robert's more recent books include From Coach to Awakener (2003), which provides a road map and set of toolboxes for coaches to help clients reach goals on a number of different levels of learning and change and The Hero's Journey: A Voyage of Self Discovery (with Stephen Gilligan, 2009), which encourages you to embark on a path of learning and transformation that will reconnect you with your deepest calling, transform limiting beliefs and habits, heal emotional wounds and physical symptoms, deepen intimacy, and improve self-image. And published in October of 2010 is the long awaited NLP II: The Next Generation (with Judith DeLozier and Deborah Bacon Dilts). This book reviews the new developments which have enriched the field of Neuro-Linguistic Programming since the publication of NLP Volume I. During the last 30 years, NLP developers and practitioners have expanded the boundaries of NLP, creating a new generation of models and applications.

Robert is also a co-founder (with Tim Hallbom and Suzi Smith) of the Institute for Advanced Studies of Health (IASH). Established in 1994, IASH is a non-profit organization which supports research and networking relating to the application of Systemic NLP methods to the area of health. As part of this mission, IASH provides administration for The NLP World Health Community and Health Certification Training. IASH maintains an international directory of certified NLP Health Practitioners.

For information regarding training opportunities contact:

In the USA:

Tel: +1 (831) 438 8314

NLP and Coaching Institute
Tel: +1 (801) 277-2014

In Latin America (Mexico) CMPNL ph. 52-33-3615-8447

In Europe: Coaching Plaza - ph. 31-010 227-0667

View Robert's seminar schedule:
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Ellie Dix

A teacher and educationalist, and former co-owner and director of Pivotal Education, Ellie Dix has been obsessed with board games from an early age. Ellie firmly believes that board games have positively influenced her ability to solve problems, manage failure and experiment with multiple paths to success ' and she now puts her teaching skills, understanding of behaviour and experience with gamification to use by helping parents to introduce board games to family life.

Hear Ellie talk about her book below and visit Ellie's You Tube channel to find out more about her work.

Fortunes, not Feuds: 7 essential tips for playing board games with family'

13 ways playing board games benefits your child'

The Parenting Show Episode 141

Click here to read Ellie Dix’s blog.

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Paul Dix

As a teacher, leader and teacher trainer, Paul Dix has been working to transform the most difficult behaviour in the most challenging urban schools, referral units and colleges for the last 25 years. In addition to working directly with schools, Paul has advised the Department for Education on the Teachers' Standards, given evidence to the Education Select Committee and done extensive work with the Ministry of Justice on behaviour and restraint in youth custody. Paul is a leading campaigner for the #BanTheBooths campaign ( and is a member of both the IntegratEd Reference Group and the Ethical Leadership Group.

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David Dixon

Dr David Dixon was a full-time primary teacher for 15 years before becoming a head teacher for the following two decades. In that time, he promoted the twin causes of environmental education and sustainability, which formed the central ethos of his schools. David is now a freelance education consultant, specialising in curriculum and leadership and helping individual schools to link sustainability with school improvement more generally.

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Eleanor Dommett

Dr Eleanor Dommett is a Senior Lecturer in Biological Psychology and Neuroscience at the Institute of Psychology, Psychiatry and Neuroscience, part of King's College London. Her research focuses on models of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and mechanisms of action of therapeutic drugs in this condition. She has conducted research at Sheffield University, Oxford University and the Open University and has taught at a variety of institutions. She is currently teaching on the BSc Psychology at King's and has a special interest in technology-enhanced learning.

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Chris Dyson

Chris Dyson was the proud head teacher of Parklands Primary School in Seacroft, Leeds for over eight years. Having been raised in a single-parent household, receiving free school clothes and free school meals himself, Chris' connection between his early life and that of Parklands’ pupils is rooted in common experience. He is now Deputy CEO at Create Partnership Trust, and believes that education is the key to making the future brighter.

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Marlene E Hunter
Marlene E. Hunter, MD is a family physician who began to work with highly dissociative patients in 1977. She is a Certificant and Fellow of the College of Family Physicians of Canada and a past Associate Clinical Professor at the University of British Columbia in the Department of Family Medicine. She is a past president of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, the Canadian Society of Clinical Hypnosis (B.C. Division) and the B.C. College of Family Physicians.
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Patrick E Merlevede

Patrick Merlevede is an internationally recognised specialist in the areas of talent management and emotional intelligence. Based on his own experience in these fields, he founded, a cloud based service providing tools for assessing work attitude & motivation, values & organizational cultures and competencies. At the time of writing, jobEQ's tools were available in 18 languages and were being used by consultants, trainers and coaches in over 30 countries.

As trainer, modeller and author he was the first to make the link between Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and emotional intelligence. The result of the integration of these 2 fields has been written down in 7 Steps to Emotional Intelligence (2001).

Mastering Mentoring & Coaching with Emotional Intelligence (2004) focuses on upgrading mentoring and coaching approaches with concepts from NLP, emotional intelligence as well as the tools developed by jobEQ.

More recently he contributed a chapter to Innovations in NLP for Challenging Times (2011), outlining jobEQ's framework.

In 2014 he wrote Talent Management: A Focus on Excellence - Managing Human Resources in a Knowledge Economy. This book is based on the experience of jobEQ's customers, covering applications such as recruiting & assessment, training & coaching, team building & leadership and changing organizational cultures (see

Patrick continues to consult organizations in these areas, and coaches an international network of consultants and trainers who use the jobEQ principles and tools. He can be contacted through

For more information, see the professional profile on LinkedIn.

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Judith E. Pearson PhD

Dr Judy Pearson is a free spirit, pursuing all the things she loves to do. After decades of working as a project manager, employee assistance program provider, and a psychotherapist, today she is an author, freelance writer and copy editor, She has published four books (three with Crown House Publishing Ltd.) and over 200 articles, reviews, and interviews in magazines, newsletters and blogs.

She is currently a co-editor for the Trafalgar Chronicle, the international research journal of The 1805 Club; copyeditor for the online International Journal of Naval History of the Naval Historical Society, Washington, D.C., and a frequent contributor to the newsletter for the Naval Order of the United States. She works privately with non-fiction authors to edit and refine their manuscripts and with publishers to edit galley proofs.

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Dr Elaine Wilmot
Elaine spent her teaching career in Doncaster and Enfield where she held three headships. Her final headship saw her open a new school. This gave her the opportunity to build a school for the future based on her beliefs about Lifelong Learning. From September 2004 Elaine became an independent Education Consultant.
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