Super-effective classroom management strategies for teachers in today's toughest classrooms.
Packed with powerful, fast-acting behaviour management strategies for the classroom ' including a novel routine to get any group quiet in 15 seconds or less ' Take Control of the Noisy Class: From Chaos to Calm in 15 Seconds (Super-effective classroom management strategies for teachers in today's toughest classrooms) by Rob Plevin provides teachers with a highly effective, step-by-step plan for successfully managing challenging groups and students in today's toughest schools. Drawing on his experience working in both mainstream and special education, teacher-trainer Rob Plevin presents hundreds of proven, practical ideas and interventions to help you connect and succeed with defiant or reluctant learners. Relevant to teachers of all age groups, you'll find useable strategies for establishing classroom routines, gaining respect, making lessons engaging and creating a positive classroom environment as well as in-depth instruction on what Rob considers to be the number one secret to effective behaviour management'.
Take Control of the Noisy Class provides teachers with a proven system for dealing with disruptive, inappropriate behaviour in the classroom, enabling them to create calm, positive learning environments and trusting bonds with hard-to-reach students. Discover: effective behaviour management strategies, the power of routines, instructions and consequences, the importance of relationships, tips and tricks for tackling misbehaviour, proven techniques for getting a rowdy class's attention, strategies for maintaining lesson flow and effective classroom management strategies which curb misbehaviour and prevent it from escalating to the stage of involving the senior leadership team and school behaviour policy. As well as a complete step-by-step lesson plan for succeeding with very challenging groups, Take Control of the Noisy Class also includes a comprehensive suite of downloadable teacher resources including video tutorials, classroom management tools and engaging lesson activities.
Learn Rob's super-effective classroom management strategies for today's toughest classrooms. Relevant to teachers of all subjects and age groups ' across primary and secondary schools ' the book is ideal for individual teachers and leaders or as the basis of whole-school INSET.
If you're worn out and fed up with students who ignore you, and have had enough of disruption and defiance, read Take Control of the Noisy Class and apply Rob's easy-to-follow behaviour management methods. You'll be able to take immediate control in your classroom, get the most from your students and enjoy stress-free teaching. Get your copy now.