Sub Modalities Going Meta

By: L Michael Hall


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We make movies in our minds-that's how we think. Yet we do more, we represent the world as we see, hear, and sense it and set cinematic frames on them. NLP got it wrong, these cinematic frames are not sub-modalities, they are meta-level frames. Sub-Modalities Going Meta is an advanced NLP book that uses Neuro-SemantIcs to continue to discover the structure of experience and re-model NLP with the Meta-States model. · Discover the secrets of sub-modalities and their meta nature

· Discover the semantic nature of our cinematic frames

· Discover how to powerfully use cinematic frames for transformation

· Learn how to effectively use semantically loaded meta-frames (sub-modalities)

· Disconfirm limiting Beliefs and install empowering Beliefs

· Set meta-frames for accelerating your learning and understanding

· Marvel at the magic of structure in the relationship between cinematic features and meaning A masterful piece. . .a comprehensive collection of information and patterns about genius using sub-modalities. Great concepts and practical application.--Dr. John Burton, author of States of Equilibrium

Picture for author L Michael Hall

L Michael Hall

L. Michael Hall is a Cognitive Psychologist who through research into NLP and Self-Actualization Psychology is now a modeler of human excellence; he has completed 15 modeling projects from Resilience, Women in Leadership, Self-Actualization, Coaching, Self-Actualizing Leaders, Managers, and Companies, Selling, Defusing, Wealth Creation, etc. He has authored 50 NLP books and a series on Meta-Coaching. Michael co-founded the ISNS (International Society of Neuro-Semantics) and the MCF (Meta-Coaching Foundation) and is an internationally renowned trainer. For his free weekly newsletter, Neurons, go to to sign up.

Click here to visit L Michael Hall's site on Self-Actualization.


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