Dr Anne Davis, MSET, QTLS, inTuition magazine

Although the author works in a school environment and clearly writes primarily about what she knows and her area of expertise, the vast proportion of this book is applicable to all who work in the field, and also educators and school management. It covers most day-to-day issues facing the SENDCO role with good humour and a positive approach, while acknowledging that this is a challenging but very fulfi lling role.

I was pleased that this book has a big emphasis on empathy, stopping and breathing, and thinking before acting and speaking. The author acknowledges that this isn’t easy to do and gives advice to help overcome the knee-jerk reactions that can damage the precious relationships that we need to develop and preserve.

Most of the advice given here is common sense, but I liked its inclusion of tips for changing perspectives from our normal reactions to a more productive, relationship-building approach.

As in any book of this nature, it is littered with well-known phrases of modern education such as ‘walk alongside the parents’. But it is more than just a collection of well intended words – it also off ers examples and explanations about how to achieve these goals.

Bethan | 04/10/2023 22:56
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