Parents and Children

A range of practical books to assist with positive parenting, advocating a variety of approaches that enable parents to develop their own solutions and help their children live happier lives ' both at school and at home.

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Forthcoming Picture of Make Your Own Rainbow

Make Your Own Rainbow

A colourful approach to all things STEAM
Coming Soon Picture of American Mystery (Doubt the Rainbow 3)

15-Minute STEM Book 2

More quick, creative science, technology, engineering and mathematics activities for 5–11-year-olds

Chess Improvement

It’s all in the mindset

The Board Game Family

Reclaim your children from the screen

The Student Mindset

A 30-item toolkit for anyone learning anything

15-Minute STEM

Quick, creative Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics activities for 5–11-year-olds

My Child’s Different

How positive parenting can unlock potential in children with ADHD and dyslexia