Meta-States, 3rd Ed.

By: L Michael Hall


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This book represents a major contribution to the field of NLP. You will discover a new model for tracking "the structure of subjective experience". The author taps into the works of Korzybski and Bateson as well as those of the mainstream NLP developers and develops new insights of his own. It is likely that this work will open up an entirely new domain in NLP and offer a new synthesis between NLP and General Semantics. No doubt others will go on to develop yet further sub-models of this intriguing and challenging model.

Picture for author L Michael Hall

L Michael Hall

L. Michael Hall is a Cognitive Psychologist who through research into NLP and Self-Actualization Psychology is now a modeler of human excellence; he has completed 15 modeling projects from Resilience, Women in Leadership, Self-Actualization, Coaching, Self-Actualizing Leaders, Managers, and Companies, Selling, Defusing, Wealth Creation, etc. He has authored 50 NLP books and a series on Meta-Coaching. Michael co-founded the ISNS (International Society of Neuro-Semantics) and the MCF (Meta-Coaching Foundation) and is an internationally renowned trainer. For his free weekly newsletter, Neurons, go to to sign up.

Click here to visit L Michael Hall's site on Self-Actualization.


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