This important work discusses the therapeutic properties of hypnosis in the treatment of life-threatening diseases. Including a brief history of hypnosis and an invaluable series of case studies, this work examines:
It raises questions about the direction medicine has taken and considers future developments. Presenting compelling arguments for offering hypnosis to cancer sufferers, this work provides crucial insight into the body’s healing abilities - an insight of immense importance to medical professionals and everyone interested in the treatment and approach to diseases.
Previously published in hardback as Hypnosis and Counselling in the Treatment of Chronic Illness (ISBN 978-189983674-1).
David Frank is a published writer whose ten years experience of lecturing and counselling has seen him at further education colleges, medical centres, and general practitioner surgeries. He is a full member of The British Association for the Person Centred Approach to Counselling and Education, and The British Society for Clinical Hypnosis.
Bernard Mooney PhD is a qualified counsellor and lecturer, and has had over half a century of experience in teaching and counselling. He is a founder member of The British Association for the Person Centred Approach.