Foundations of Clinical Hypnosis

From Theory to Practice

By: Edwin K. Yager, PhD


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Attribute nameAttribute value
Size152mm x 229mm
PublishedJanuary 2009

This comprehensive volume is certain to become an invaluable textbook in the field of clinical hypnosis. Dr. Yager has put together an impressive table of contents covering much of everything there is to know about how to translate theory into practice across the range of clinical settings. His clear and thoughtful perspective will inform those who are new to the field and expand the understanding of those who have more experience. The level of depth and detail is unparalleled, providing readers with a full education on the topic.

Divided into five parts, the book begins with a discussion of what hypnosis is (and isn't) and introduces the concept, the language, the phenomena, the tools, and hypermnesia. In Part II, the discussion turns to clinical considerations, addressing approaches to using hypnosis, the roles it can play in psychotherapy, and some potential dangers and risks that may arise with its use. Part III looks at specific procedures, delineating the principles of trance induction, highlighting the particulars of hypnosis and sleep, and focusing on Dr. Yager's pioneering discoveries regarding subliminal therapy. Part IV is devoted to Applications of Hypnosis - from test taking to ocular correction providing a wide view of the power and possibility of hypnosis as one of the most efficacious treatment options available for an extraordinary range of challenges. In the final section, attention is given to a variety of relevant topics not considered elsewhere.

Picture for author Edwin K. Yager, PhD

Edwin K. Yager, PhD

Edwin K. Yager, PhD was a clinical professor in the Department of Psychiatry, UCSD School of Medicine and a staff psychologist for the UCSD Medical Group. He was a certified consultant in hypnosis by the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis and was also a president, board member and fellow of the San Diego Society of Clinical Hypnosis. In the course of his private psychology practice, using Subliminal Therapy and hypnosis, Dr Yager successfully treated thousands of patients.


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