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Emily Hunt

Emily Hunt is an experienced primary school teacher with a passion for promoting STEM education. She regularly writes articles and speaks about STEM, and shares activities and blogs on her website Emily holds a Masters of Education from the University of Cambridge and has also worked within the US education system to deliver science outreach.

Click here to read Emily's article on TES.

Left-handed pupils: five quick-win support tips

STEM: Building early foundations

Click here to read Emily Hunt’s blog.

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Roy Hunter

Roy Hunter, MS, Cht, teaches professional hypnosis and advanced techniques for professionals and teaches self hypnosis to groups and clients for personal or professional motivation. He was specially selected to carry on the work of the late Charles Tebbetts. He was awarded a PhD from Alpha University and California University with a major in clinical hypnotherapy.

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Jake Hunton

Jake Hunton is head of modern foreign languages at Heart of England School in Solihull and believes in combining passionate, engaging and fast-paced teaching with a focus on the highest achievement for all students.

Click here to read Jake's insights on teaching approaches, research and challenging misconceptions in education in his interview with The Learning Scientists.

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Will Hussey

Will Hussey is an experienced teacher and author who writes about thinking ' and spy dogs. Will has a degree in physical and adventure education and reckons that's pretty much how all education should be: sedentary and unadventurous education is not much use to anyone. He's completed three London marathons and the Snowdon marathon. He's vowed never again'. He is (almost) a black belt in karate and has a wife and two children who don't take him too seriously.

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Louise Hutton

Louise Hutton is an experienced teacher of RE who is currently an assistant head teacher at a large comprehensive school in Poole, where she also leads on staff development and teaching and learning. She is passionate about ensuring that her colleagues are research-informed and focused on high-quality teaching strategies in their subject areas.

Click here to read Louise Hutton’s blog.

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Barry Hymer

Barry Hymer is Emeritus Professor of Psychology in Education at the University of Cumbria and Chief of Science for the leading online chess learning platform, Chessable. Barry has written 11 books and numerous papers on the subject of teaching and learning and he is one of the UK's foremost authorities on the educational applications of mindset theory.

Click here to read Barry Hymer's blog.

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Martin Illingworth

An English specialist with over twenty years' teaching experience, Martin Illingworth is a senior lecturer at Sheffield Hallam University with responsibility for English and drama PGCE. As an Independent Thinking Associate he has delivered keynote speeches and workshops across the UK, and has also worked internationally ' undertaking research in Cairo, Egypt, and at the University of Toronto in Canada.

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Nick J. Thorpe

Nick J. Thorpe is a journalist, writer and editorial consultant whose work has been featured by media organisations around the world. As well as trying new things for a year he has driven a black cab to Mongolia and attempted to have a cup of tea with someone from every country in the world. He now lives in Hong Kong, and is still trying new things.

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Nina Jackson

Nina Jackson is an international education consultant who has a breathtaking grasp of what makes classrooms, children and their teachers tick. She's a leading practitioner in all areas of teaching and learning with particular expertise in special educational needs, digital technology and mental and emotional health. She has transformed learning and teaching in some of the most challenging schools in the UK as well as working extensively with schools on the international circuit.

An accredited Apple Teacher, winner of the IPDA International Prize for Education and described by the TES as an inspirational, evangelical preacher of education', Nina is a tour-de-force when it comes to enlivening teaching and learning for all.

Nina is one of the happiest, most effervescent personalities in education today and puts her own learning, and the learning of others, at the heart of everything she believes in.

Ninjas and Sherbet Lemons ' Nina Jackson in the Time Out Room ' PP179

Click here to read Nina Jackson’s blog.

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Sid Jacobson
Sid Jacobson has been working in NLP since 1978, and was one of the early trainers certified by the Society of NLP. Though beginning as a psychotherapist, he has worked broadly in NLP as a researcher, trainer and consultant to professionals, hospitals, schools, clinics, businesses and public and private organisations. He holds a PhD in Clinical Psychology and is an expert on the application of NLP to education and training. He founded and directs the South Central Institute of NLP in New Orleans.
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Lenore Jacobson

Lenore F Jacobson was principal of an elementary school in the South San Francisco Unified School District in 1963 when she started a correspondence with Harvard psychologist Robert Rosenthal which led to the influential Pygmalion Effect study.

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Tad James

Charismatic and possessing a profound ability to bring out the best in people, Dr Tad James was a staunch believer in the inexhaustible inner potential of human beings. He was an exciting, dynamic and  transformational seminar leader, and a pioneer in the field of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). As a successful personal success coach and NLP Master Trainer, Tad was the creator of a revolutionary new paradigm for human change known as the Time Line therapy technique.

Tad James taught NLP, Time Line therapy and hypnosis for over 35 years, and served as President of the American Board of Hypnotherapy for over 20 years. He was the author of seven books and numerous audios and videos in the field of NLP, including the bestselling The Secret of Creating Your Future, which shows people how to realize their goals in life. In 1999 Tad wrote Hypnosis: A Comprehensive Guide, a bestseller in the hypnosis field, and in 2001 he co-authored Presenting Magically, which details all his training expertise and secrets. Actors James Brolin and Linda Gray loved his work so much that they hosted an infomercial with Tad in 1994 that promoted audiotape versions of his book, The Secret of Creating Your Future. In addition to his interests in NLP and hypnosis training, Tad was a student, researcher and respected teacher of the healing and shamanistic science of Hawaiian Huna. His two volumes of The Lost Secrets of Ancient Hawaiian Huna were published in 1998. 

Tad James attended Syracuse University and graduated with a master's degree in mass communication. He began his career as a manager of a radio station, and went on to manage his own station at a later date. At this time, the plight of the small businessman led him to become a business consultant. While doing business consulting he realized he could not help everyone he wanted. Even though his master's degree was in mass communication, he found something missing in the art of communication between humans. He began to research into powerful ways of communicating and creating change within both people and  organizations, and this led him to the field of NLP. Made the second NLP Master Trainer by Richard Bandler, one of NLP's founders, Tad quickly recognized the value of high involvement and shorter trainings.

Because of his dedication, hard work and unmatched discovery of the Time Line therapy technique, it did not take long before Tad rose to become a leader in the field of NLP. His name duly became synonymous with NLP excellence: he trained and certified more successful trainers than even the founders of NLP. His sole aim was to give his best and to bring out the best in every person he met in his trainings.

Tad James was the first NLP trainer to do a Learn NLP Training in an accelerated format. A leading advocate for expanding human potential and efficiency, he designed and implemented the seven-day NLP training program before anyone else did. His innovative spirit sometimes led to controversies, however. Initially met with opposition, his accelerated seven-day format (with pre-study) has since become the industry standard.

In 1988 his research became more widely known with the publication of his first book, Time Line Therapy and The Basis of Personality. Since then, Time Line therapy techniques have become a major modality for creating powerful change in business, education and therapy. Time Line therapy utilizes a person's own internal Time Line' to work with their unconscious minds in a variety of ways, including healing emotional
traumas and eradicating unwanted thoughts, emotions and behaviors. It has been so successful in its results that thousands of people ' including psychiatrists, psychologists, marriage and family counselors, social workers, life and business coaches, and even athletics coaches ' have utilized it for over a decade. It is so highly regarded that the Council of Psychotherapy in Croatia asked to be trained by Tad in Time Line  Therapy so that they could help many of the victims of the war who were suffering from post-traumatic stress syndrome.

Tad appeared on hundreds of local and national television programs throughout North America, Europe, Australia and the UK ' sharing his breakthrough techniques and empowering his students. Throughout his career Tad had only one dream: to empower people to find their best potential both inside themselves and collectively in order to transform the planet'. Tad traveled extensively while delivering trainings and seminars in the USA, Canada, UK, Europe, Asia and Australia, sometimes being away from home 11 months per year.

Since 2001, his wife Dr Adriana James joined him in his work, and together they founded The Tad James Co., one of the world's leading and most innovative NLP companies. The couple quickly emerged as a dynamic team, and together they developed new techniques and paradigms for prosperity, health and success. Their legacy of life focuses on the success and accomplishment of all their students. Tad's books, audios, videos and seminars have been used by hundreds of thousands of people around the world to create happier, more fulfilling lives.

The 'NLP Lifetime Contribution Award, awarded following a public vote, was presented to Tad James at the 2017 NLP awards ceremony.

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